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23 : 26 | titles and text in Sony Vegas pro

In this Sony Vegas Pro course, we explain titles and text in Sony Vegas pro, how to format it, and generator effects, including Noise Texture, Checkerboard, color effects and ProType Titler.

Titles and Text in Sony Vegas pro

Lesson 23 | How to add text in sony vegas pro

In this lesson, we will discuss how to write, format, and move text with the animation templates available in the program, including font type control, font size, line effects of shadows and glow, and position adjustment.

Lesson 24 | media generators

In the Media Generators window two sections, in the left section Media Generators Groups, and in the right sub-templates for each group.
In this lesson we discuss the following generators:

Noise Texture:

From the settings we choose the noise style, the number of layer, the swap colors, the pressure and the expansion of the flat frequency, Offset, noise parameters, amplitude.


From its settings, the flat pattern can be reshaped, its dimensions, colors, degrees of zigzag and transparency changed.

Lesson 25 | media generator | color

This lesson from the Sony Vegas Vegas editing course explains how to create color palettes that include solid colors, gradient colors, and test patterns.
With the ability to control the color grades and characteristics, which can be inserted through the media generators.

solid color:

Displays the background of one color, selecting the desired color, as can be selected from the list of preset models.

Gradient Color:

Displays multiple colors and gradients, with the possibility of formatting them,
controlling the transparency level, and the gradient type whether it is a linear gradient, a circular gradient, or a square gradient.

Test pattern:

Displays a set of ready-to-use patterns to test the colors of TV monitors.

Lesson 26 | titles & text

In this lesson we address the explanation of the surfaces of the titles of texts and periods,
which are used to write animated texts and have advanced settings in the coloring and add aesthetic effects on them.
It is used to write the title of the artwork in the intro and subtitle, including ProType Titler, the titles & text, legacy text, Credit Roll.

ProType Titler:

The settings window is divided into two sides of the right side for writing and previewing text, and in the left section 3 tabs:
The Transform tab is used to adjust the position and size of the text.
It is the center of the text that is positioned on the screen.
It rotates the text, and the offset moves the text horizontally and vertically,
and from the scale we adjust the width and height of the text, and from the shear we control the text italically and horizontally.
To control effects, it is opacity to control text transparency, gradient fill, gradient fill, and Gaussian blur.
From Glow we glow around the text and control the glow and color,
and from drop shadow we work an outside shadow around the text with its degree of zooming and horizontal and vertical blurring,
as well as the color of that shade.


To format the internal outline of the text, from Vertical orientation, change the horizontal position of the text to Vertical, and from Tracking to zoom out and round the characters.
And Line spacing to move and round the lines if there is more than one line of text, and from Selection to hide and show text within the edit window.
From Selection type we specify the type of selection if the text is a whole or every word individually or each letter separately,
and by activating Fade selection makes the text appear and hide soft, and activating the path you can draw a specific path to the text movement.
Position on path Controls the position of the text on the track, and activates Wrap around. Text disappears at the end of the path.
The titles & text table contains advanced settings for adding, formatting, and moving text,
the same settings that we explained in the lesson of adding, formatting, and moving text.

Legacy text:

To write texts in old forms, it does not support Arabic characters.

Credit Roll:

The data of the work is written by an author, actor and director. This flat also does not support the Arabic language, which is divided into cells, to write data in these cells.

Follow Also:

1 : 6 | Video editing basics

7 | Vegas Transition

8 : 12 | chroma key, blur, color effects

13 : 17 | pinch punch, Rays, lens flare, starburst

18 : 22 | Stabilizing effect

23 : 26 | titles and text in Sony Vegas pro

27 : 29 | tracks and track motion

30 : 31 | Compositing mode

Sony Vegas, Magix Vegas, text in Sony Vegas
Vegas pro, Vegas pro 16, Vegas pro 15, Vegas pro 14, Vegas pro 13,
Vegas pro 12, Vegas pro 11, Vegas pro 365
Sony Vegas pro, Sony Vegas pro 16, Sony Vegas pro 15, Sony Vegas pro 14,
Sony Vegas pro 13, Sony Vegas pro 12, Sony Vegas pro 11, Sony Vegas pro 365
video editing, Sony Vegas pro 2017, Sony Vegas pro 2018, Vegas 365,
Vegas, Vegas 16, Vegas 15, Vegas 14, Vegas 13, Vegas 12, Vegas 11, Vegas 365


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