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Showing posts from February, 2018

Sony Vegas effects| 30 : 31 | Compositing mode

In these two lessons of the Sony Sony Vegas editing course, we complete the series of tutorials, the compositing mode, and how to add the 3D effect of the 3D video. compositing mode and 3D effect شاهدالمقالة باللغة الإنجليزية Lessin 30 | compositing mode  | 3D effect The Sony Vegas Pro program lets you work in a 3D environment, moving your video track on a z-axis. To convert the track to the 3D, click on the Track Motion, and from the installation menu we choose 3D Source Alpha, showing the 3D settings and controls. From the Layout menu, we define the Track view, which allows you to see Track from all directions. Tracks can be scaled by clicking on one of the corners and dragging inside or out. To move the track we click inside the rectangle with the drag, and move the mouse horizontally or vertically. To rotate horizontally, stand on the horizontal axis x and pull with the mouse, rotate vertically on the vertical axis y and pull with the mouse, ...

Sony Vegas pro| 27 : 29 | tracks and track motion

We start from these lessons from the Sony Vegas pro editing course, explaining the tracks, showing their tools and types, explaining track motion, how to add shadow effect, and the glow effect. tracks and track motion شاهد المقالة باللغة العربية Lesson 27 |Tracks Tracks are divided into two types: Video Track: Video clips, images, text and artwork are placed. Audio Track: It is special for audio tracks. Each track has its own settings and controls, which appear in the track header to the left of the track. Add Track : To add a new video track, right-click in a blank location and choose insert video track. Or by clicking the mouse in the head of the track and we also choose to insert video track. To add a voice track we follow the same method on the audio track. Video and audio gestures can also be added by opening the Insert menu and selecting an audio track or video track. You can also add ctrl + q or ctrl + shift + q. Track Video: In Video T...

23 : 26 | titles and text in Sony Vegas pro

In this Sony Vegas Pro course, we explain titles and text in Sony Vegas pro, how to format it, and generator effects, including Noise Texture, Checkerboard, color effects and ProType Titler. Titles and Text in Sony Vegas pro شاهد المقالة باللغة العربية Lesson 23 | How to add text in sony vegas pro In this lesson, we will discuss how to write, format, and move text with the animation templates available in the program, including font type control, font size, line effects of shadows and glow, and position adjustment. Lesson 24 | media generators In the Media Generators window two sections, in the left section Media Generators Groups, and in the right sub-templates for each group. In this lesson we discuss the following generators: Noise Texture: From the settings we choose the noise style, the number of layer, the swap colors, the pressure and the expansion of the flat frequency, Offset, noise parameters, amplitude. Checkerboard: From its set...

Sony Vegas effects| 18 : 22 | Stabilizing effect

In this Sony Vegas Pro course, we continue to explain the effects of old films, embossing and newsprint effects, Stabilizing effect, work frames and 3D shadows, and add timestamp and mask generator. شاهد المقالة باللغة العربية Lesson 18 |film effects This lesson explains the effects of old movies and simulations of old TV simulators, including: Film Effects: offers different types of movie effects, with granular value control, color film coloring, and conversion to grayscale colors. film grain: gives the effect of random granules on the image, while controlling the value, size and color of the granules. TV simulator: Shows lines and grid, with control of number, size, visibility, magnification, phosphoric effect, and control of the rise and fall of illumination. Lesson 19 | sharpen and newsprint In this lesson, we present in the Vegas editing course for the effects of prominence, engraving, sharpness and newspaper papers. The lesson includes t...

Sony Vegas effects| 13 : 17 | pinch punch, Rays, lens flare, starburst

In these lessons we will complete the Vegas Pro video and audio editing course, Sony Vegas effects, where we will discuss how to add pinch punch effect, wave and swirl effects, rays effect, light spots, and mirrors effects. Sony Vegas effects شاهد المقالة باللغة العربية Lesson 13 | pinch punch effect The pinch punch filter is similar to the concave and convex lens. the spherize filter does a region wrap around the image and can control the settings. This lesson deals with how the Punch Bunch works, which is a funny and comic effect. It can magnify a part of the image or a character and reduce other parts of the image. The effect views the fun house mirror effect, which displays concave mirrors and convex and distort the image of the characters standing in front of them and look funny and sarcastic. The spherize filter is an additional option for the effect of pelleting, with settings slightly similar to the previous filter, in which the image can al...

Sony Vegas pro tutorials | 8 : 12 | chroma key, blur, color effects

As of the eighth lesson of the Sony Vegas pro course, the series of effects and filters within the program begins, including blur effects, brightness and contrast, chroma key effect and color correction effects. Sony Vegas pro tutorials chroma key, blur, color effects شاهد المقالة باللغة العربية: مفتاح الكروما والزغللة وتصحيح الألوان Lesson 8 | blur effects In this lesson, we explain the effects that give blur effect to the video or image, where Vegas pro has different shapes and methods to add this effect and control its options, blur – defocus – noise – film grain – linear blur – medium – pixelate – radial blur. Blur has multiple shapes and is available in many filters, which are similar in some settings and differ in some other filters. It is useful for background work, and can be used as a glow effect, especially with text, which gives the effect of the surrounding fringes around the edges of the letters. The options provide the possibility of ad...